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Atlanta Dentist Answers Frequently Asked Questions

For your convenience, we accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover. We deliver the finest care at the most reasonable cost to our patients, therefore payment is due at the time service is rendered unless other arrangements have been made in advance. If you have questions regarding your account, please contact us at 404-685-3100. We also invite you to learn more about dental insurance.

We have reserved your appointment time specifically for you, and changes to this appointment would affect our other patients. Therefore, to avoid incurring any late or broken appointment fees, we ask that you notify us at least 48 hours in advance to make any changes to your appointment

In your home care package, you will find temporary cement that will help you in replacing your crown. If you have any difficulties, please feel free to call our office for further assistance.

Zoom!, as seen on ABC’s Extreme Makeover, is our in-office whitening treatment. It’s a bleaching process that whitens teeth faster than any other method currently available. It can safely remove the toughest stains left by coffee, tea, tobacco, and soft drinks.

In an effort to offer you the most relaxing dental experience possible, we constantly strive to reduce your stress and make you feel at ease. Our practice offers minimal wait times as well as amenities like coffee, juice, blankets, pillows and music to make your visit as comfortable as possible. We look forward to serving all your dental needs!

We can prescribe BreathRX and schedule a three-month recall appointment to help aid in keeping bacteria and plaque away from your teeth. We will also educate you on eating habits that can reduce odor.

For patients who dislike the look of metal braces, Invisalign offers an excellent alternative. Invisalign aligners are made of strong, clear plastic and are virtually invisible. They help you have the smile you’ve always wanted, without the stress of traditional braces.

Yes! Come in for a consultation regarding a snore guard that can aid in your restless nights. We offer Thornton Adjustable Positioner for snoring and sleep apnea.

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