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Welcoming New Patients in Atlanta, GA

Are you looking for a new dentist? If so, look no further than MidCity Dentistry, in the heart of Atlanta, GA. We’re thrilled to extend our comprehensive dental services to new patients looking for unrivaled dental care throughout Atlanta. Our team is dedicated to providing a unique and comfortable patient experience, combining the latest technology with a personalized approach. Join us and discover why our practice is the top choice for dental care in Atlanta. New patients are always welcomed with open arms at MidCity Dentistry. We’re excited to help you achieve your best smile.

smiling family on couch

Fill Out Our New Patient Form

We strive to make your first visit as smooth and convenient as possible. To help achieve this, we provide easy access to our new patient forms. These digital forms can be completed at your leisure before your appointment, saving you valuable time and enabling us to serve you more efficiently. The forms gather essential information about your medical history, current health status, and any specific dental concerns you may have. This helps our team to understand your unique needs and provide personalized dental care. By filling out these forms in advance, you can rest assured your appointment will focus on addressing your dental needs and not on paperwork. Should you have any questions or need any help, our friendly staff is always available to help.

Discover Our Flexible Financing Options

Our team believes quality dental care should be accessible to everyone, so we offer flexible financing options. We understand every individual has unique financial needs, and we strive to accommodate these by accepting a range of payment methods. In addition to accepting most dental insurance plans, we also offer CareCredit as an option. CareCredit is a healthcare credit card designed for health and wellness needs, which allows you to pay for treatments and procedures not covered by insurance over time with convenient monthly payments. Our team is more than happy to assist you with the application process. By providing these options, we hope to make your dental care more manageable and stress-free.

Start Your Dental Health Journey

For everyone at MidCity Dentistry, your smile is our top priority. We invite you to experience the MidCity Dentistry difference, where our commitment to patient comfort, advanced technology, and personalized care combine to create truly exceptional dental experiences. We’re excited for the opportunity to serve your dental needs and help you achieve the healthy, beautiful smile you deserve. Don’t hesitate to join our community of satisfied patients. Give us a call or fill out our online form today to schedule your first appointment. Remember, a healthier smile is just one appointment away.

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